Face Masks Go Viral Among Brainwashed Students - ZhongXing

Health does not always come from medicine.Most of the time it comes from peace of mind.peace in the heart ,peace in the soul.It comes from laughter and love.
Only a few colleges in the US have introduced a mandatory mask-wearing policy when returning to campus this fall.
But it does not matter. According to recently collected data, most college students wear them voluntarily. Why?
Masks work, masks work - here is the story of the medical bureaucracy in more than two years of COVID-19 freedom suppression. Actually, it's narration after it's not narration.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, god of leftist medicine, was the first to warn that masks were not needed. He then insisted on wearing masks when 6-foot social distancing was not possible. He then insisted that masks were required both indoors and outdoors, in buildings and parks - after he insisted that it was dangerous to go to parks, that it was better not to go out at all - and this was after after being seen and photographed sitting in the stands outside the National Baseball Park without a mask. But back to Fauci's warning: when he insists that if one mask is good, then two are even better - that's just common sense, he said.
In the face of all the absurd "science" of masks - that is, pseudoscience - you honestly, truly, truly think that Americans will burn masks like the women who burned their bras in the 1960s.
Of course, they won't "work" to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Hell, this has been known for months.
"A new study shows that cloth masks filter only 10% of exhaled aerosols, and many people do not wear masks that fit their face," researchers from the University of Waterloo in Ontario found in mid-2021, writes StudyFinds.org.
The World Health Organization updated this article in December 2021: "[T]he use of masks alone is not enough to provide adequate protection against COVID-19." just about wearing masks. That is, stay away from people, wear masks, ventilate rooms, avoid crowds, wash your hands often;
When wearing a mask, says the WHO, wear it correctly - here is a list of instructions to follow: "Wash your hands before putting on a mask, before and after removing it, and after putting it on. Always touch."
And this one: "Make sure it covers your nose, mouth, and chin. After removing the mask, store it in a clean plastic bag, if it is a cloth mask, wash it daily or throw the medical mask in the trash. "
People just don't do it. Fortunately, people don't have to do this because God has given us what is called natural immunity.
But if Americans have learned anything for more than two years of coronavirus, it's that natural immunity is fine, but vaccines, masks, staying at home and, of course, absolutely not going to church and not singing is the real method. stay healthy.
"Regardless of region, political affiliation, or even school rules, the majority of college students say they will volunteer to wear masks on campus at any time this fall," Intelligent.com reported this week, citing recently collected data.
Specifically, 63 percent of college students who returned to campus said they would wear a mask-62 percent of them identified as Republicans and 72 percent as Democrats.
They have been brainwashed by the bureaucracy to voluntarily submit to the will of the government.
The first is the mask. Then there are vaccines. In addition, there is technology-based contact tracing, also known as government surveillance and tracing. It's for the benefit of society, I don't know.
This is collectivism. This is the fate of the communist countries. It is a state of mind in the face of personal freedom given by God. This is the last wall that will destroy this country.
When tomorrow's leaders get used to seeing government as God and critical thinking and questions as a danger to society, then the Marxist takeover of America will be complete. Here's the harsh reality: we're only one or two senior years away from that fate.
• Sheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or @ckchumley on Twitter. Click here to listen to her Brave and Dumb Podcast. Never miss her column; click here to subscribe to her newsletter and podcast. Her latest book, Lockdown: The Socialist Project That Takes Your Freedom, is available here or here.

Post time: 10月-10-2022
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