Sterile Nasal Oxygen Cannula Neonatal 2mm Grade II Medical
Our advantages:
Nasal Oxygen Cannula is one of the biggest benefits of a nasal cannula is being able to talk and eat while using it because it doesn't cover your mouth (like a face mask).Some other benefits of a nasal cannula (and oxygen therapy in general) include:Not feeling short of breath and breathing easier. This can greatly improve your quality of life.Feeling less tired.
Working so hard to breathe can leave you feeling tired.Sleeping better. Many people with chronic lung conditions don't sleep well.Having more energy. Having the oxygen your body needs can give you the energy you need to exercise, socialize, travel and more.
Product Information:
Nasal oxygen cannula all materials used in construction of the Oxygen Mask ,and the Oxygen Tubing are latex free, soft and smooth surface without sharp
edge and object, They have no undesirable effects on the Oxygen/Medication passing through under ordinary conditions of use.
Material are hypoallergenic and shall resist ignition and rapid buring,A Nasal Oxygen Cannula is a medical device used for delivering oxygen. It consists of two plastic tubes, one end of which is inserted into the patient's nostrils, and the other end is connected to an oxygen source.
The Nasal Oxygen Cannula can provide continuous oxygen supply without affecting the patient's normal breathing. It is suitable for patients who require low-concentration oxygen therapy, such as those with mild hypoxia, chronic bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases.
Compared to an oxygen mask, the nasal cannula is more lightweight and comfortable, allowing patients to move and breathe more freely.
Product Details:

How does a nasal oxygen cannula work?
Nasal oxygen cannula is a thin, flexible tube that wraps around your head, typically hooking around your ears. On one end, it has two prongs that sit in your nose and deliver oxygen. The other end of the tube connects to an oxygen supply. There are several different types of oxygen supply delivery systems. The type of oxygen delivery system you use depends on your condition and what your healthcare provider recommends. Your healthcare provider also determines how much oxygen you need.
How long do you need a nasal oxygen cannula for oxygen?
It depends on your condition and the reason you need supplemental oxygen. Some people need it for the rest of their lives, while others need it while recovering from an illness or during a specific situation. For example, if your oxygen levels drop during childbirth, your provider may give you a nasal cannula for oxygen for just a few minutes. Others may depend on oxygen 24 hours a day or only when they sleep.