How To Removing The Medical Gauze From The Scar? - ZhongXing

Methods for removing the scar with gauze include natural shedding, saline or iodophor. It is generally due to the excessive secretion of the wound of the patient, causing the gauze to adhere to the wound. Applying gauze to the scar usually does not affect the healing of the wound, but it is necessary to change the dressing regularly to avoid causing infection of the wound and thus affecting the healing.

If the degree of scar gauze is more serious, it is generally necessary to use normal saline or iodophor to remove the gauze. First, prepare a bottle of saline, sterile tweezers, alcohol cotton balls, gauze, etc. Then, the saline solution is poured out of the thoroughly soaked gauze. Next, sterile tweezers were used to explore the loosening of the gauze and peel it in parallel with the wound suture until the gauze was completely uncovered. Finally, use an alcohol cotton ball to disinfect the wound. If the scar recovery is good, generally do not need to cover sterile gauze; If scar recovery is poor, sterile gauze should still be covered. It should be noted that the gauze should be slowly removed using gentle techniques, and cannot be forcibly removed quickly to avoid tearing the wound and causing bleeding.

  1. Saline: You can wet the gauze with normal saline. After wetting, the gauze stuck to the scar will be loosened, and the gauze is easier to remove. It is not recommended that patients use ordinary water or alcohol to soak, ordinary water is not a sterile solution, easy to lead to wound infection, alcohol irritants, patients wound prone to pain.
  2. Disinfectant water: commonly used disinfectant water is iodophor, iodophor liquid soaked gauze and wound, so that the gauze and wound separated, iodophor on the wound irritation is relatively small, will not lead to wound healing changes. For wounds that are easy to stick, it is recommended to attach oil gauze to the surface of the wound to prevent the gauze from sticking.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is a liquid drug with bactericidal effect. Use hydrogen peroxide to wet the gauze and slowly uncover the gauze. When hydrogen peroxide is used locally, it can be moistened with clean water before use, which can make hydrogen peroxide penetrate faster to achieve the most effective effect.

Patients should pay attention to changing the gauze regularly and cleaning the wound to avoid the gauze sticking to the wound.


[1].Is the World's population aging?

Population aging is a term used to describe the situation where the average age (median age) of the citizens of a country increases as a result of longer life expectancy of its citizens or a reduction in the number of births per annum.

The aging population is a global phenomenon. Developed and developing countries are experiencing an increase in the average age of its citizens associated with a growing proportion of elders in the population.

[2]. What are the disadvantages of an aging population? 

The main disadvantages of an aging population include increase in pension and health-care costs. An increase in the proportion of elderly in the population opens questions as to how best to finance them after retirement. An increasing number of elderly persons means more pension requirements, resulting in an increase in the cost to the Government and, therefore, taxpayers. If most of these elders were pension contributors, then the additional cost to the Government would be less.

However, the fewer the pension contributors in the country, the more the cost to the citizens to facilitate them after retirement. Older people are more prone to illnesses and ailments; as such, an increasing number of sick persons will put pressure on health-care facilities, which might not be able to cope with the demand. Diabetes, hypertension and cancer increase in likelihood with age.

Furthermore, an aging population also increases competition for jobs, especially if the retirement age is extended. By so doing, the supply of labour increases and young people find it harder to access jobs because older members of the population have a longer time to retire. In this case, less innovation and change take place in organisations as firms are confined to old ways of doing things, which makes the business less dynamic and absorb technology at a slower pace.

[3]. What are the advantages of an aging population? 

An increase in the proportion of elderly persons in the population leads to a growing pool of volunteers in the economy. This has been identified as a global advantage where the elderly contribute free labour to community and government projects after retirement. These elders are more comfortable financially and find pleasure in giving back to their communities and countries.

Older people have lived longer, hence are more experienced than younger people. An aging population can be advantageous in this case, using their experience to help uphold morals and values in a country. They also are more familiar with the culture and way of life of a group of people than their younger counterpart, and therefore, are necessary to help instil tradition and way of life conducive to longevity.

An aging population is associated with fewer children. Another advantage highlighted as a result, is cost savings associated with having to cater to fewer children and young people in the economy. This would result in lower public education cost, lower health-care cost and other socialprogrammes provided for children by the Government.

[4]. How can we cope with an aeing population? 

Careful long-term strategic planning is required to address the issues associated with an aging population. For most countries, stronger welfare systems and social safety-net programmes are needed to help cushion the elderly after retirement.

The elderly are important and should not be marginalised, they have much to offer to help the young understand their purpose in life, help them to find motivation and drive to take on new venture.

An increase in social enterprises has been the trend to help engage the elderly with young people. Issues related to expanding retirement age, etc, are greatly welcome; however, they must be associated with issues related to increasing the availability of jobs to absorb new labour market entrants if there is a delay in retirement.

Post time: 2月-02-2024
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