What Is The Requirement Of Cotton Tipped Applicators? - ZhongXing

Product infomation

【Product structure】 This product is made of medical absorbent cotton and natural birch.
【 Scope of application】 Medical and health units and home health care, disinfection of patients' skin, treatment of wounds, use when applying   potions.
【Product Features】 Non-toxic, non-irritating, good water absorption, easy to use. This product is sterilized and can be used with confidence.
【Usage】 Open the bag to use. Can treat the wound directly.
【Storage conditions】Should be stored in the relative humidity does not exceed 80%, no corrosive gases and well-ventilated indoor, to avoid high   temperature.

Generation requiremen

According to the national standards and pharmaceutical industry standards, according to the relevant literature, the production of absorbent cotton ball products must meet the following requirements:
Raw material
1. Absorbent cotton:
(a) The quality of the absorbent cotton made of cotton balls must meet the requirements of YY0330-2002, hold the Medical Device Registration Certificate, and pass the factory inspection conclusion;
(b) The cotton fibers of the cotton swabs should be soft, white, odorless, and free of yellow spots, stains, and foreign objects.
2. Bar:
(a) The surface of the plastic rod and paper rod should be smooth, no burrs, no stains, foreign bodies;
(b) The surface of the wooden and bamboo sticks should be smooth and unbroken, and there should be no stains or foreign objects.

The cotton swab must be clean, the tip of the cotton tipped applicators is white, soft, and the whole branch has no odor.

Physical property
1, the pulling force of the cotton head: the cotton sticky roll should be tight inside and loose outside, and can withstand 100g pulling force of the cotton head is not completely off;
2, bending resistance: the bar should be able to withstand 100g external force without permanent deformation or fracture.


Why Keeping a Streak Boosts Your Motivation

Dick Coffee attended 781 consecutive University of Alabama football games. Meg Roh surfed through illness, storms and nightfall to maintain a seven-year daily surfing streak. Jon Sutherland ran at least 1 mile every day for over 52 years.What is it about streaks that makes them so compelling?Because there's no generally accepted definition of what a streak is, I started by trying to define the phenomenon. Based on input from people maintaining streaks and how streaks are described in the popular media, I suggest they have four underlying characteristics.

First, streaks require unchanging performance and temporal parameters. In other words, rules, established by the streaker or others, define what it means to successfully complete the activity and the schedule for doing so. For example, a streak may involve completing a session of 50 pushups every calendar day.Second, the streak-holder largely attributes completing the activity to his or her resolve.Third, a streak is a series of the same completed activity that the person maintaining the streak considers to be uninterrupted.Fourth, the streaker quantifies the series' duration. For instance, a streak-holder can tell you exactly how many consecutive workdays they've biked in to the office, or they can tell you the precise date the streak began.

This definition distinguishes an activity streak from winning streaks and lucky streaks. Unlike activity streaks, winning streaks depend on the performance of others - an opponent - while lucky streaks involve outcomes that are not under the control of the person executing the streak.People often engage in behavior patterns, or a recurring way of acting in a given situation. A streak is a form of patterned behavior, but there are others. Most people have habits, which are reflexlike and triggered by the context. For example, many people mindlessly fasten their seat belts upon getting in a car.

While developing a habit may be appealing because it minimizes thinking, I discovered that the challenge of finding a way to complete the behavior can motivate many streak-holders.Failing to perform a habitual behavior on occasion will have little impact on the likelihood of the person performing the behavior in the future. Conversely, failing to perform a behavior that is part of a streak ends the streak.

In general, a streak adds a higher-level goal (keeping the streak alive) to a lower-level goal (completing an individual activity). Streaks also add structure to an activity, and structure can simplify thinking and decision making. The extent to which goal achievement or structure is important to you would influence your commitment to a streak.I also found the way a streak is structured can affect the streak-holder's commitment to it. For example, a streak of meditating at least 20 minutes each day may be more appealing, and lead to more commitment, than a streak of meditating at least 140 minutes each week. While the amount of meditating is the same in both cases, a daily streak adds structure, thus simplifying decision making, and encourages the person to regularly engage in a beneficial behavior.





Post time: 1月-09-2024
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