What Is A Surgeon Cap And Why Would Doctor Wear A Surgeon Cap In Operating Room? - ZhongXing

What is a surgeon cap?

The surgeon cap is designed to prevent the hair of the operator from falling in the operating room during surgery and contaminating the sterile environment of the operating room. Most of the existing surgical caps are disposable surgical caps, and the material is mostly non-woven. When wearing the cap, the folded surgical cap should be expanded first, and then the cap edge should cover the front and back hairline and above the ears on both sides, so that the hair does not leak out.

Clinical application

Surgical caps are mainly used in hospital operating rooms, beauty, pharmaceutical, factory laboratories and other specific places; At the same time, through continuous practice, it is also frequently used in patients. During some eye, nose, mouth, ear, maxillofacial and neck operations, the surgical cap is worn on the patient's head, which can completely cover the patient's hair and fix it firmly, fully expose the surgical field of vision, and effectively prevent it

Production material

Most of the surgeon caps are disposable products, the material is non-woven, with light weight, soft, waterproof, breathable, non-toxic, non-irritant, antibacterial, chemical resistance, environmental protection and other characteristics. And the material is dense, dustproof, antibacterial, vomit and blood are not easy to penetrate. It is cheap, safe, hygienic and convenient to use. However, through practice, it is found that non-woven fabrics have one disadvantage: poor permeability and non-absorption of sweat. During clinical use, the sweat on the forehead of the surgeon will not only affect the visual field of the surgeon, but also increase the infection rate of the surgical site once it drops on the operating table.
Therefore, a variety of innovative surgical caps have been derived, which can prevent sweat from falling, while ensuring that the doctor's head is dry and breathable, and improve the comfort of the doctor during surgery.


The 7 Strengths and Habits That Successful People Possess

There's no secret recipe that will make you a successful person, but these seven strengths and habits can greatly increase your chances of success. Please see the following seven strengths:

1.They have a success-driven mindset and the passion to achieve 

Successful people have a strong will to succeed and achieve in life. They look forward to growth and have a deeply rooted desire to do much more than the average person. These people take action to make positive changes and move outside their comfort zone. Even when their attempts fail, they can quickly see opportunities that surround them, adjust when things go wrong and move in a new direction.

2.They are self-aware and have self-confidence

Successful people face challenges with confidence and trust their skills and knowledge. Even when they don't have the right skills or knowledge to begin with, they move forward with enthusiasm and commitment to succeed despite the odds. Successful people have a strong sense of self, which allows them to make stronger commitments. They are comfortable speaking their minds. Successful people stand up, speak out and enjoy sharing ideas and opinions.

3.They are vision-focused and achievement-oriented

Successful people create a clear vision for goals and take action toward achieving that vision, which doesn't allow anything to stand in their way. A strong vision serves as a guideline to keep them motivated and on track to achieving their goals. They set and conquer smaller goals first and then move on to bigger and bolder benchmarks so they can hit larger targets.

4.They value time wisely

Successful people are extremely productive. They value and use their time wisely and don't allow others to take advantage of or waste their time. They create barriers around their time by adding structure and systems into their businesses, which are respected by clients and peers. They clearly understand that time is their most valuable asset.

5.They own it!

Successful people build a solid business and brand foundation that sets them apart from the competition. They are known as experts and authorities within their respective industries. They own their business and their brand, which allows them to easily maximize their avenues to success.

6.They think differently than the average person

Successful people think differently. They look one step -- or more -- into the future and see opportunities everywhere. They think outside the box and come up with creative and innovative ways of doing business.

7.They love what they do

Successful people don't think of work as work. They take pleasure in their business and love what they do for a living. This gives them a sense of achievement and happiness that fulfills their definition of success.Unsuccessful people see work as survival, and they work simply to earn a living. Most don't enjoy what they do for a living and consider what they do to be a J-O-B.





Post time: 11月-13-2023
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